As I stated in my previous blog, schools are closed due to the Coronavirus. I received news that I will not be physically returning to school until at least April 15th. Starting March 30th my county's schools will all begin online school for two weeks (at least). Thankfully, I have access to the news and internet so I can be updated on announcements related to this virus and able to do school online. My county also has programs like canvas still set up and running. This way, I am able to upload work that was assigned before schools closed. My teachers are also able to send me and my classmates messages on Canvas. My media teachers have sent me and my class multiple messages and updates. In the most recent one, they told us about the changed school dates and also alerted us that Cambridge is still on track and hasn't moved deadlines. I found this very helpful for two reasons. The first one is that by telling us the updated school dates, students who may not have known about this now do. The second reason is that it was very kind and helpful of them to alert us about Cambridge not changing dates and so forth. If it wasn't for them, I would not have known about that. Now onto reshooting. Shooting and reshooting are going to be a different problem than editing and editing. Editing and editing can be done over the phone or individually. Depending on the circumstances, shooting and reshooting most-likely has to be done in person. This makes it hard, especially if you're working in a group or with a partner like I am. I may have to individually reshoot and my partner may need to do the same. Either way, we will find a solution and finish our Final Task.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Editing Blog: No Editing
Since there is a global pandemic going on, schools are closed as well as a lot of businesses. The virus started in China and has spread to the United States and where I live. Because of this, I was not able to edit the rest of my final task. I have about half of the final task edited minus the titles so far. It's about 1 minute long so I need about another minute. We are basically advised not to leave our house and to practice "Social Distancing". This means staying about 6 feet away from strangers or just people who aren't in your household in general. I haven't been able to meet with my group-mate partially because of this. The good thing is that we have already dumped all the footage that we need. Worst case scenario, we can just have one of us edit the remainder of the final task because we still have over a couple weeks before that is due. One of us will probably have to continue editing the final task on iMovie. We could also possibly meet up as long as neither one of us or our family members are showing symptoms. This is still risky though because some people don't show symptoms at all or for a few days to a couple of weeks. Either one of us can edit the remainder of the final task individually if necessary because we both have MacBooks at home which have and run iMovie. Another solution would be to video call/facetime each other while we edit it. I am currently on vacation at a location where there are no cases of Coronavirus. I come home Monday back to my county, which has the most cases in my state. I am scheduled to come back to school on March 30th. It is unbelievable that this is happening right now. I just hope that everyone and myself stays safe.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Filming Blog: Office
Now that the peer review was over and I had filmed my first few scenes. On Saturday, my group-mate and I filmed the remainder of our final task. First, she came to my house because we needed to film some clips there. The first clip I filmed was a shot of her and her mother driving past the camera in a car. I made sure to stand in my driveway (on the other side of where she was driving) when I was filming. This was to ensure that everyone (including myself), was safe. Next, I filmed another scene from outside of the car of my group-mate and her mom. After that, i filmed a close-up shot of my group-mate's mother shifting the car. These shots did not take that many takes overall. The only difficult thing was having to wait for pedestrians and bicyclists on my street.
After this, I drove to my parent's office to film the rest of the scenes. This location was used as the therapist's office. There were quite a few scenes that needed to be filmed here, so it took a bit longer than expected. The first scene I filmed was my group-mate and her mother talking to each other. I made sure to film this (and any other scenes where it wasn't necessary for the car to be in motion) while the car was parked. I then filmed a close up of my group-mate'd foot/shoe as she was getting out of the car. She then waked into the therapist's office, which was filmed as well. I then set the camera up and filmed some footage of my group-mate and I (I'm playing the therapist, she's playing the protagonist) sitting down and talking. I then had my father film a scene where he had to pan the camera, and then my group-mate filmed the scenes where I was tied up. These scenes took a bit longer to film because some of them required things like makeup to be done, but it was overall a good experience that went smoothly.
After this, I drove to my parent's office to film the rest of the scenes. This location was used as the therapist's office. There were quite a few scenes that needed to be filmed here, so it took a bit longer than expected. The first scene I filmed was my group-mate and her mother talking to each other. I made sure to film this (and any other scenes where it wasn't necessary for the car to be in motion) while the car was parked. I then filmed a close up of my group-mate'd foot/shoe as she was getting out of the car. She then waked into the therapist's office, which was filmed as well. I then set the camera up and filmed some footage of my group-mate and I (I'm playing the therapist, she's playing the protagonist) sitting down and talking. I then had my father film a scene where he had to pan the camera, and then my group-mate filmed the scenes where I was tied up. These scenes took a bit longer to film because some of them required things like makeup to be done, but it was overall a good experience that went smoothly.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Editing blog: Beginning To Edit
After the computer malfunction, there wasn't anything edited yet. This meant that the film would have to be edited on iMovie or another editing software at home. This was because my group needed to submit at least part of our film for the final task. Other groups had this issue as well, and I talked to others about what they did. One classmate said that she found editing on iMovie quicker and more convenient. She explained to me that it had only taken her one hour to edit the whole movie including titles. The only thing she hadn't added was the music. I knew that only part of the movie would be edited before the final task, so it may take even less time. Because of this helpful insight, I wasn't as upset about having to use a different editing program. I filmed the first few scenes with my partner, and now it was time to edit.
My partner agreed to edit what we had filmed. I left the camera, tripod, and SD card at her house. The footage for the scenes we were editing had already been dumped onto the computers at school. I am very glad I suggested that she also put the footage on her google drive because Pinnacle studios didn't work. This way, she was able to access the footage from home to edit on iMovie as well. She also bought an SD card reader for at home but it didn't work. This was fine though because we already had the footage we were planning to edit available. She edited everything very nicely and added music. The only thing not added was music, but that was fine because my teacher said the final task didn't need to be complete for the peer review. Overall, editing went and has gone very well so far and I am excited to continue editing.
My partner agreed to edit what we had filmed. I left the camera, tripod, and SD card at her house. The footage for the scenes we were editing had already been dumped onto the computers at school. I am very glad I suggested that she also put the footage on her google drive because Pinnacle studios didn't work. This way, she was able to access the footage from home to edit on iMovie as well. She also bought an SD card reader for at home but it didn't work. This was fine though because we already had the footage we were planning to edit available. She edited everything very nicely and added music. The only thing not added was music, but that was fine because my teacher said the final task didn't need to be complete for the peer review. Overall, editing went and has gone very well so far and I am excited to continue editing.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Peer Review
In class, I had to peer review another group's/person's final task. My group got assigned a number and had to look at a spreadsheet that said which group we would be peer reviewing. Our final task also got peer reviewed by another group. I had to fill out a sheet while watching the final task I got assigned to review. This sheet included yes or no questions on things like titles and how long the final task was. It also included a section to check off the required shots and at what point they were performed. Lastly, there were questions that required a written response. These included tips to give on lighting and sound, and what was liked and disliked about the film. The film I was assigned to review was about two girls planning to rob/break into somewhere. They were making plans on how to do it and arguing over who's plan was better. Lighting-wise, the film was good overall. The only thing they could fix was a small glare in the corner of the screen near the end of the film. Sound wise the sound quality was easy to hear, but they still need to add music at some point in the film. One thing I liked about the film was how clean the transitions were. I think they did a good job editing especially with the transitions between scenes. Something they could improve is the overall plot of the story. There was only one thing going on the whole time, and it was all filmed in one place basically. They were also missing some of the required camera shots, movement, and angles as well as titles. This is okay though because we still have time to edit and didn't need to show our full final task. Overall they had a good final task and I enjoyed peer reviewing.
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Audience and Institution Practice Essay
Assess the importance of marketing in the media area you have studied. Marketing in the area of film is extremely importa...
As I stated in my previous blog, schools are closed due to the Coronavirus. I received news that I will not be physically returning to schoo...
For this blog/assignment, we had to create a shooting script. This is like a script on what is occurring in the final task scene by scene. ...
I watched an exert from the show 24. The excerpt, to me was about a traitor to a country named Nina, and an agent by the name of Jack. Jac...