Last class and today, my partner and I were able to begin editing. Now that I had filmed some, I was able to dump the footage onto a laptop in class. Once this was done, to be safe, I had my partner upload the footage onto Google Drive as well. This was in case the laptop crasher/didn't work or that next time, a different one was used. After this, Pinnacle Studios was clicked on to be opened. Sometimes, it takes a short while to fully load and open, so I was waiting. Then after a little while, an error message popped up on the screen. It read "Pinnacle Studios is not responding...". This has happened to me before when I was editing my music video, so I knew to try and restart the computer. I did that, sitting in anticipation and hoping that it would fix the issue. Unfortunately, it did not. After this, I got a new computer and attempted to open Pinnacle Studios on there. It still did not work, so I tried restarting this computer. This didn't work, and there weren't any computers left to try, so no editing was accomplished that class period. The next class period, I got a different computer than the other two I tried to use last time. I had my partner log in, and attempt to open Pinnacle Studios. It still didn't work, so I tried restarting the computer. That didn't work either so I got up and got another one. Pinnacle Studios didn't work on that laptop either, and a restart didn't help. No editing was done that class period. This was a bit frustrating, and I will now have to edit my footage on iMovie at home to have something done in time for the Peer Review.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Monday, February 24, 2020
Filming Blog: Group Member's House
This weekend, I filmed some scenes at a group member's house. Before going over there, I made sure to charge the camera that I had checked out. I then drove over there at around 6:00 PM. When I got there, the filming process begun. I filmed scene 2 first, beginning with the shot from inside the backpack. This took quite a bit of takes because it was hard to get the camera to sit upright in the backpack and not tip over. One that was finished, I filmed the scene where Olivia is packing her bag. This took a couple of tries at the most because it was a simple shot. Next, the close up of Olivia shouting "Coming!" was filmed. This took two tries as well to get the lighting to the way I wanted it. Then, filmed a part of scene 3, which took two tries and was a closeup of Olivia's bag's zipper. Next, the group member's father arrived, so I was able to shoot the scenes with him. This included the remainder of scene 2 and scene 1 as well as 3. Out of all the scenes with the dad, the one of him opening the door took the most takes. This is because he forgot to close the door after exiting or he walked away too fast. This is understandable and part of the filming process, so it ended up coming out nice after multiple takes. For everything shot outside, my group mate and I had to wait till it was dark outside. This way, we were able to film the scenes inside of Olivia packing her bag inside first. Something that was challenging was matching the distance away from the house in scenes like the establishing shot, and some scenes with the dad. Overall, this filming session went very well and I am excited to continue filming.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Filming Blog: Didn't Get to Film
Last weekend was the first weekend where I had the opportunity to film. Unfortunately, I was out of town so I was unable to meet with my group mate. Many students checked out equipment and began to film over the weekend. It was a long weekend so it was unfortunate that I could not film. Even if I did not film, I could not meet my group mate over the weekend. Instead, my group mate and I decided to work and plan ahead. I used the schedule created and checked my calendar as well as my group mate's to determine when both of us were available. Both of us were able to determine multiple dates in which filming could be done. The first dates were February 22nd and 23rd where we will film scenes 1-5. Most or all of the filming will most-likely be done on the 23rd. February 24th through the 28th will be for editing the scenes that were filmed over the 22nd and 23rd. This will be done in class because that is the only place where the editing software is accessible. These edited scenes will be the ones presented during peer review. February 28th and 29th will be used to film the remainder of the final task (scenes 6-10). There will not be time to edit the last 5 scenes before peer review, so those will not be shown. Once the peer review is finished, the last five scenes will be edited March 4th to March 6th. The final task is due in the middle of April, so if more time is needed to edit the last 5 scenes it will be able to be done. After the editing of the final 5 scenes is complete, my group mate and I will go reedit the final task. We will take the constructive criticism from the peer review into careful consideration and used to better the final task. With this schedule, I am confident that there will be enough time to complete the final task to the best of my ability. I believe it was very helpful to determine the schedule, location, actors, etc. so that we can jump right into filming.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
This week, we created our storyboards for our movie clip. These storyboards help us plan out exactly what shots we need for each scene. We had to include a few different kind of camera angles and shots as well. For example, in the first scene we used an establishing shot, medium shot, and medium close up. The establishing shot will help show where the scene is taking place. We also used an action match to transition to scene 2. Using the storyboard really helped plan this out. Another type of shot we used was a wide shot. These shots and camera angles were used frequently in different scenes. Occasionally a specific type of shot is used again to show parallelism between another scene.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Title Design in Details
This week we worked on our titles for our project. The title we will most likely go with is "Substitution". We decided on this because we felt it accurately described a part of the plot of our project. The font we decided on was spectral. This is a good font for our genre and fits the theme we are going for. It will be in bold and all caps. The text will be white to contrast the night background and it will be in size 48. We decided to make the titles fade in and fade out of the screen. We decided this because it would fit the title "substitution" as the titles would substitute each other and or take their place and will disappear after 2 to 3 seconds. The leading spacing would be 1.5 and the tracking spacing would be normal.
Schedule, Location, Participants,Health
For this google slide, we had to plan out certain things further. This included the schedule, location, participants, and health. The schedule should be 1-3 slides, the location 1-2, the participants 1-2 and health 1-2. For our slide show our schedule was 1 slide, our location 2, our participants 1, and our health 1. For the location(s) we had to include pictures of each. We had a total of seven slides in this presentation. We decided to organize the schedule slide in a table format. The dates are on the left and what we will be doing on each date is on the right. We made sure to also consider many things when creating the health slide because we want to stay safe while filming. This slideshow will be very helpful when we are filming the final task.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Dialogue and Sound Script
For this assignment, we had to create a dialogue and sound script. This includes all of the sounds we use, and everything the characters will say. We had to write this script for about ten scenes. Some examples of sounds we had to include were, diegetic and non diegetic sounds, as well as a song we might use. The way we are presenting this information in is a google slides presentation. The purpose behind this script is to have us be ready to film these scenes and know what we have to edit in, and what will have to be created while filming. For example, some of these sounds come directly from the scenes. Others have to be edited in. The song we are using is one example of that. Overall this really helps prepare us to be able to film our project.
Shooting Script
For this blog/assignment, we had to create a shooting script. This is like a script on what is occurring in the final task scene by scene. It includes the camera angles, movement, character movements, and what is going on in each scene. The only thing that is not in this script is the dialogue. We were told to think of it as a storyboard but in written format. We had to display this script in a google slides presentation. There is one slide for each scene. We were required to have at least 10 scenes for the final task. Each slide includes what is going on, with camera movement, angles, or editing to go with it. This script will be extremely beneficial when shooting the final task.
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Audience and Institution Practice Essay
Assess the importance of marketing in the media area you have studied. Marketing in the area of film is extremely importa...
As I stated in my previous blog, schools are closed due to the Coronavirus. I received news that I will not be physically returning to schoo...
For this blog/assignment, we had to create a shooting script. This is like a script on what is occurring in the final task scene by scene. ...
I watched an exert from the show 24. The excerpt, to me was about a traitor to a country named Nina, and an agent by the name of Jack. Jac...